It's been a while...

I've been somewhere between too busy and not busy enough for a while now. Whenever I have a point of low activity, part of me is grateful for having time to breathe and the other part is shouting "YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING".

I've had a lot of fun on set in recent weeks. I recently helped a friend Sarah with her short film for university, named Tomato Soup . First of all, I was blown away by the script and then when I saw her block out the scenes and shoot - I knew this was a film that should get all the backing it can, because it will go very far.

You can sponsor Tomato Soup at this link or just simply follow the Instagram for it.

Reviewing my continuity/script supervisor notes on set for Tomato Soup . Photo by Sarah Jo Fraser

Reviewing my continuity/script supervisor notes on set for Tomato Soup . Photo by Sarah Jo Fraser

I also got to help out my friend Nick on his short film, Before Our Time, which will also be entered into the UnScene Film Competition.  That involved a very early morning of wrangling extras, assisting with costumes and making coffees. It was a fun and short shoot and interesting to see what would happen on set as it is a very VFX heavy film.

Since then I've been an extra in a music video for the awesome music duo, Peachnoise. The style of the music video was super 1950s, though the music is fairly modern and mint. The costume and set design were awesome. I got to play a little diner gal handing out milkshakes.

You can check out Peachnoise on Facebook, Instagram and Spotify - just search their name! 

Also the gals who ran the costume department work from this page, tell them I sent you! 

On set for the Peachnoise  music video. Photo by Chloe Towan 

On set for the Peachnoise  music video. Photo by Chloe Towan 

Last week, I had a launch for my fourth book, Postcard Poetry at the Melbourne Young Writers' Studio. It was a great night and a little nerve wrecking standing on a ladder whilst I read some of my poems. Hopefully I'll be able to go to more nights and events like that in the future.

Reading one of my poems at my book launch. Photo by Gabrielle Kelly 

Reading one of my poems at my book launch. Photo by Gabrielle Kelly 

Meanwhile my little project No Matter What is in postproduction, getting its sound mixed and teeny VFX added. Then BOOM. I'll be able to show you all some movie magic. To show behind the scenes snaps of my film, I created an Instagram page for film projects that I make and produce - Cut To Black Productions.

You can check out the Instagram for Cut To Black here.

Catch you when I have more stories to tell  xxmk